Six Animal Adventures

Морпурго Майкл

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A charming series of adventures for younger readers, featuring a family of all sorts of animals that live in the farmyard behind the tumble-down barn on Mudpuddle Farm...
Six fantastic stories in one volume!
Mossop's Last Chance:
"There's mice in my barley sacks, there's rats in my roof and now there's mice in the corn bin. This time I've had enough. If you aren't up to the job, you will have to go".
Mossop the old farm cat likes to sleep - and not much else! So when Farmer Rafferty tells him to catch twenty six mice by sunset, all the animals have to pull together to give Mossop one last chance...
Albertine, Goose Queen:
A fox is on the loose, and all the animals except Albertine the goose have hidden themselves inside. Albertine is safe on her island in the pond - at least so she thinks, until the fox starts swimming towards her...
Jigger's Day Off:
Jigger the sheepdog has just one day off a year. Just one day to chase all those little animals hiding in the corn. But even the best made plans can go wrong...
Pigs Might Fly:
It's a long hot summer, and Pintsize the piglet wonders if it might be cooler in the sky. But when he tries to fly, he annoys just about everyone. It's time he learned his lesson...
Martians at Mudpuddle Farm:
Have Martians landed on Mudpuddle Farm? Farmer Rafferty seems to think so. Now it's up to Albertine, Goose Queen, to work it out. Luckily she's the cleverest goose in the whole world, so if anyone knows what to do, she will...
Mum's the Word:
Something strange is going on at Mudpuddle Farm. Egbert the goat is not himself at all. Instead of grumbling, he's singing and dancing! And he's even greedier than usual...
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
400 стр.
198x130x31 мм
страна изготовления
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Six Animal Adventures

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