Key Writings

Lefebvre Henri

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Henri Lefebvre is widely recognized as one of the most influential social theorists of the Twentieth Century. His writings on cities, everyday life, and the production of space have become hugely influential across Cultural Studies, Sociology, Geography and Architecture. Key Writings presents the full range of Lefebvre's thought in a single volume. The selection of essays spanning 1933 to 1990, reinforce the relevance of Lefebvre's work to current debates in social theory, politics and philosophy. The book is divided into five sections: "Philosophy and Marxism", "The Critique of Everyday Life", "The Country and the City", "History, Time and Space" and "Politics" and includes a general introduction by the editors as well as separate introductions to each section.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
323 стр.
217x138x22 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


Acknowledgements ix
Introduction: Coming to Terms with Lefebvre Stuart
Elden and Elizabeth Lebas xiii
Marxism and Philosophy
Introduction Stuart Elden
Retrospections (from L'Existentialisme, 1946)
Unity of the Doctrine (from Dialectical Materialism,
Prolegomenas (from Metaphilosophie, 1965)
Marxian Thought and Sociology (from The Sociology of
Marx, 1966)
Beyond Structuralism (from Au-dela du structuralisme,
Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche (from Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche
ou le royaume des ombres, 1975)
Triads and Dyads (from La Presence et Г absence,
Twelve Theses on Logic and Dialectic (from Logique
formelle, logique dialectique, 3rd edn, 1982)
State (from Le Retour de la dialectique, 1986)
Becoming and the Historical (from Le Retour de la
dialectique, 1986)
The Critique of Everyday Life
Introduction Elizabeth Lebas
Mystification: Notes for a Critique of Everyday Life
(Henri Lefebvre and Norbert Guterman, Avant Poste, 2
Elucidations (from Critique de la vie quotidienne II:
Fondements d'une sociologie de la quotidiennete, 1961)
The Social Text (from Critique de la vie quotidienne II:
Fondements d'une sociologie de la quotidiennete, 1961)
The End of Modernity? (from Critique de la vie
quotidienne III: De la modernite au modernisme (Pour
une metaphilosophie du quotidien), 1981)
On Vulgarity (from Critique de la vie quotidienne III: De
la modernite au modernisme (Pour une metaphilosophie
du quotidien), 1981)
Myths in Everyday Life (from Cahiers Internationaux de
Sociologie, XXXIII (1962))
The Country and the City
Introduction Eleonore Kofman
Perspectives on Rural Sociology (from Cahiers
Internationaux de Sociologie, XIV (1953))
Preface to the Study of the Habitat of the 'Pavilion'
(from L'Habitat Pavillonnaire, 1966)
Levels and Dimensions (from La Revolution urbaine,
The Other Parises (from Espaces et Societes, 13/14
History, Time and Space
Introduction Stuart Elden
The Inventory (from La Somme et le reste, 1959)
Time and History (from La Fin de I'histoire, 1970)
The Style of the Commune (from La Proclamation de la
commune, 1965)
The Rhythmanalytical Project (Henri Lefebvre and
Catherine Regulier, Communications, 41 (1985))
The Worldwide Experience (from De I'Etat, Vol IV,
Preface to the New Edition: The Production of Space
(from La Production de I'espace, 3rd edn, 1986)
Introduction Elizabeth Lebas
Nation and Culture (from Norbert Guterman and Henri
Lefebvre, La Conscience mystifiee, 1936)
Between Yourself and You (from Norbert Guterman and
Henri Lefebvre, La Conscience mystifiee, 1936)
Being a Communist (from La Somme et le reste, 1959)
From the Social Pact to the Contract of Citizenship
(from Du Contrat de citoyennete, 1990)
Some Questions About Asking Questions (from M:
Marxisme, Mensuel, Mouvement, 7 (Janvier 1987))



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Key Writings

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