The Fourth Sacrifice

Мэй Питер

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Margaret Campbell had finally decided to leave Beijing - and the man she loved---and return home to the States. She had first come to Beijing to conduct a seminar on her specialty, forensic pathology, for the city's police. The invitation turned out to ask for more than she expected; she was thrust into the search for a murderer. This was how she met and came to fall in love with the Beijing police detective Li Yan. Although they began as enemies, the attraction between them was overwhelming - until personal tragedies pulled them apart. Now the police need an answer to a series of gruesome murders. Four men have been killed; the first three were Chinese and the fourth man was born in China but became an American in his youth. All were victims of what looks like ritual sacrifices. The U.S. ambassador practically forces Margaret to work once more with Li Yan. She buries her pain and turns to a new admirer for her free time - an American archaeologist who is making a television documentary. As Margaret and Li Yan investigate, they come closer and closer to finding the truth behind the killer's executions. They also come closer to a killer who will sacrifice anyone to conceal a secret. This second in the China Thriller series is another testament to Peter May's ability to write captivating characters that move stealthily through Beijing's vibrant and dangerous setting.
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возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
512 стр.
197x130x30 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Fourth Sacrifice

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