My Sand Life, My Pebble Life. A Memoir of a Childhood and the Sea

McMillan Ian

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My sand life, my pebble life. My life measured out in tides, coming in and going out. My life measured out in games of trying to spot the sea first. My life measured out in the delicious and indulgent sadness that comes from leaving a holiday cottage for the last time and for the first time in several days it isn't raining, but at least the kids have had a great time and, let's face it, so have you.

Warm and darkly funny, this sublimely crafted book transports you (in a blue Ford Zephyr, with an AA route map, a granny in the back and a bingo hall on the horizon) to the world of childhoods by the sea. Specifically, Ian's memories of childhood: ones we'll all identify with - endless sunny days on the beach, done to a turn fish and chips, legendary games of cricket, tea and cakes and family crammed into a tiny caravan, holiday cottages that live forever, buckets of shells, a busted fishing net and enough sand to make a beach, with the tide out, way out…

In this nostalgic collection of reminiscences (with the odd poem thrown in) journey with Ian as he walks barefoot to the sea to see the sun rise. He is attacked by seagulls, and midges, and wasps. He eats a lot of fish and chips and it's always the best yet. He nearly avoids a frisbee. He searches for jazz in Scarborough. He walks. He even tries to run. But mostly he savours the sea and our seaside moments and our seaside dreams.

If you want a shot of salty sea air, a tussle with a seagull and the congenial companionship of someone described as 'relentlessly jolly' (The Guardian), this will be a joyous and moving read.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
176 стр.
196x135x17 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)

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1 февраля 2024 г. в 16:04
Своего рода автобиография, которую от других представителей жанра отличает презрение к повествованию в хронологическом порядке. Кому-то книга может показаться сумбурной, на мой вкус, баланс между упорядоченным повествованием и беспорядочным потоком воспоминаний выдержан неплохо, читать в целом приятно.
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My Sand Life, My Pebble Life. A Memoir of a Childhood and the Sea

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