Reputation Matters. How to Protect Your Professional Reputation

Coad Jonathan

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In the volatile landscape of social media and viral news, professional reputations can be wrecked within a matter of hours. Passivity in the face of public criticism is often perceived as conceding guilt, while an ill-judged response can just make things worse. But few senior business leaders, entrepreneurs, public figure, talent managers, in-house lawyers and even PR professionals are aware of the full array of strategies available that can both prevent and mitigate PR crises.

In Reputation Matters, Jonathan Coad draws upon his decades of expertise (both as one of the country's leading PR lawyers and as a highly regarded editorial lawyer) to provide this essential guide to protecting and managing both your professional reputation and that of your organization.

With the blurred lines between traditional and social media and the growing predominance of misinformation, reputations are now more valuable and vulnerable than ever. Reputation Matters grants readers a unique insider's insight into how the media works, teaches the best strategies for countering any threats, and uncovers the intricacies of litigation PR. In this engaging and essential book, Jonathan gives practical advice on how to cultivate and secure your reputation, which is enriched and supported by a selection of first-hand case studies from his illustrious career.
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возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
288 стр.
241x161x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
564 г



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Reputation Matters. How to Protect Your Professional Reputation

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