All Grown Up. Nurturing Relationships with Adult Children

Dodd Celia

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When children grow up and become adults we often assume, as parents, that our job is done. In fact it's just the beginning of a whole new stage in our lifelong connection.

Relationships with adult children are an aspect of parenting that is rarely discussed, yet they require thoughtfulness and empathy, and can bring many new challenges.

- How can you avoid conflict when your adult child returns to live with you?
- What if you don't get on with their partner?
- How should you suppoer your child through a divorce, or mental health challenges later in life?
- Do you have mixed feelings about looking after your grandchildren?
- What if you adult children don't get along?

All Grown Up draws on the personal experiences of parents, as well as advice from leading experts in the filed, to offer support and guidance on working through these common dilemmas to develop and maintain a close bond with your adult child. Discover how to create family harmony and a strong, enduring connection.

Praise for Celia Dodd's Not Fade Away

'Optimistic and clever, this handbook for how to flourish in your sixties - and beyond - may be the wisest book on reaching a pensionable age' - The i newspaper

'As a child of the 60's, ambitious and career driven, I needed to read this book. I now no longer fear life's next chapter but instead I'm shouting "Bring it on!"' - Jo Good, BBC Radio London

'Retirement is not about "giving up". This book shows us how to discover the positives and relish every moment of this major life transition'. - Aggie MacKenzie, broadcaster and journalist.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
280 стр.
235x150x20 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


1. The Lifelong Connection
2. Emerging Adulthood
3. Parents Need Independence Too
4. Meeting and Communicating
5. Living with Adult Children
6. Crises in Adult Children's Lives
7. Parents' Crises
8. Conflict, Tension and Disagreement
9. Adult Siblings and New Family Dynamics
10. When Your Child Finds a Long-term Partner
11. When Children Become Parents
12. Adult Children Who Need More Support
Further Reading and Viewing



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All Grown Up. Nurturing Relationships with Adult Children

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