Zonal Marking. The Making of Modern European Football

Cox Michael

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В книге "Зональная разметка. Становление современного европейского футбола" Майкл Кокс блестяще исследует и анализирует высшие лиги Европы за определенные периоды времени и демонстрирует влияние каждой из них на то, как сейчас ведется игра. В высшей степени занимательная и наполненная замечательными анекдотами, это первая книга такого рода, в которой дается обзор современного европейского футбола и раскрывается, насколько международный футбольный язык может быть сформирован уникальной идентичностью нации.
Книга на английском языке.

An insightful, comprehensive and always entertaining appreciation of how European football has developed over the last three decades by the author of the much heralded The Mixer.

Continental football has always cast a spell over the imagination. From the attacking flair of Real Madrid of the 50s to the defensive brilliance of the Italians in the 60s and onto the total football of the Dutch in the 70s, the European leagues have been where the game has most evolved and taken its biggest steps forward. And over the last three decades, since the rebranding of the Champions League in 1992, that pattern has continued unabated, with each major European footballing nation playing its part in how the game’s tactics have developed.

From the intelligent use of space displayed by the phenomenal Ajax team of the early 90s, to the dominance of the highly strategic Italian league in the late 90s and onto the technical wizardry of Barcelona’s tiki-taka, the European game continues to reinvent the tactical dimension of the game, creating blueprints which both club and national teams around the world strive to follow.

In Zonal Marking, Michael Cox brilliantly investigates and analyses the major leagues around Europe over specific time periods and demonstrates the impact each has made on how the game is now played. Highly entertaining and packed full of wonderful anecdotes, this is the first book of its kind to take an overview of modern European football, and lays bare just how much the international language of football can be shaped by a nation’s unique identity.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
440 стр.
197x127x27 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


Part One - Voetbal, 1992-96
1 Individual versus Collective
2 Space
3 Playing Out from the Back Transition: Netherlands-
Part Two - Calcio, 1996-2000
4 Flexibility
5 The Third Attacker
6 Catenaccio Transition: Italy-France
Part Three - Foot, 2000-04
7 Speed
8 The Number 10
9 The Water Carrier Transition: France-Portugal
Part Four - Futebol, 2004-08
10 Structure
11 The First Port of Call
12 Wingers
Transition: Portugal-Spain
Part Five - Futbol, 2008-12
13 Tiki-taka
14 False 9s & Argentines
15 El Clasico
Transition: Spain-Germany
Part Six - FuBball, 2012-16
16 erticality
17 Gegenpressing
18 Reinvention
Transition: Germany-England
Part Seven - Football, 2016-20
19 The Mixer



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Zonal Marking. The Making of Modern European Football

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