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My Cool Campervan. An inspirational guide to retro-style campervans

Haddon Chris, Field-Lewis Jane

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Присоединяйтесь к Джейн Филд-Льюис и Крису Хэддону, которые отправляются в путешествие протяженностью 3500 миль, чтобы найти кемперов и гордых владельцев, делясь своими воспоминаниями о семейном отдыхе под разноцветными крышами, солнечными днями и простыми удовольствиями. Окунитесь в мир путешествий по дорогам, пока Джейн и Крис знакомят нас с чередой отличительных кемперов, запоминающимися местами и классическими моделями, иногда прекрасно отреставрированными, а иногда любимыми и хорошо используемыми.
My Cool Campervan открывает мир, выходящий за рамки стереотипов: винтажные фургоны другой эпохи, забытые раритеты и прекрасно отреставрированные модели массового производства.
Книга на английском языке.

My Cool Campervan celebrates a new wave of interest in modern-retro campervans.

Join Jane Field-Lewis and Chris Haddon as they set off on a 3500-mile trip to locate campervans and proud owners, sharing their memories of family holidays under candy-striped pop-top roofs and of sunny days and simple pleasures. Delve into a world of road-tripping as Jane and Chris introduce us to a succession of distinctive campervans, memorable locations and classic models, at times beautifully restored, and at others well-loved and well-used.

My Cool Campervan reveals a world beyond the stereotype, of vintage vans from another era, forgotten rarities and beautifully restored mass-produced models.

Chapters include:
Old Retro: In the 1970s and 80s as the motor industry turned its sights towards the global market, campervan designs began to change.
Simple Life: Exploring functional campervans where styling doesn't overwhelm function and where vans are so well designed in the first place, there's nothing more to add than the journey.
Weird and Wonderful: From a converted French fire truck, to an 'extension' to a regular saloon car, these campers are customized, unusual and have been created to provide space.
American Beauties: The large American Recreational Vehicles, or RVs, fulfill just about everyone's expectations of a comfortable life on the road. The enduring appeal of the RV lies in its iconic design and long association with the romantic notion of the great road journey.
Classics: Some vehicle designs last longer than others. The VW T2 campervan is, without doubt, the front runner.
New Retro: Reflecting owners' unique styles and interest, the vehicles here function as an artist's workroom or as a photographer's studio; these are not only places to camp out or chill out, they are happy extensions of creative lives.
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возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
160 стр.
210x180x20 мм
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My Cool Campervan. An inspirational guide to retro-style campervans

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