Elizabethans. A History of How Modern Britain Was Forged

Marr Andrew

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История Британии во время долгого правления королевы Елизаветы II. Узнайте, как изменилась Британия, в этом захватывающем, живом портрете британской елизаветинской эпохи, написанном автором бестселлеров и телеведущим Эндрю Марром.
Британия коренным образом изменилась за время долгого и выдающегося правления королевы. Так кто же сделал современную Британию такой страной, какой она является сегодня? Как мы можем подвести итог тому, что мы за люди? Что значит быть новыми елизаветинцами?
В этой чудесно рассказанной истории, восходящей к тому времени, когда королева Елизавета стала королевой в 1953 году, Эндрю Марр прослеживает людей, которые сделали Британию той страной, какой она является сегодня. От активистов до артистов, от героев спорта до новаторов - эти люди подталкивали нас вперед, меняли тему разговора, побуждали нас лучше питаться, петь, думать и протестовать. Они добились своего.
Книга на английском языке.

The Story of Britain during the long reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Find out how Britain changed in this entrancing, lively portrait of Britain's Elizabethan Age by bestselling writer and broadcaster Andrew Marr
Britain changed fundamentally during the Queen's long, distinguished reign. So who made modern Britain the country it is today? How do we sum up the kind of people we are? What did it mean to be the new Elizabethans?

In this wonderfully told history, spanning back to when Queen Elizabeth became queen in 1953, Andrew Marr traces the people who have made Britain the country it is today. From the activists to the artists, the sports heroes to the innovators, these people pushed us forward, changed the conversation, encouraged us to eat better, to sing, think and to protest. They got things done. How will our generation be remembered in a hundred years' time? And when you look back at Britain's toughest moments in the past seventy years, what do you learn about its people and its values?

In brilliantly entertaining style and with unexpected insights into some of our sung and unsung heroes, this is our story as Elizabethans - the story of how 1950s Britain evolved into the diverse country we live in today. In short, it is the history of modern Britain.

Featuring: David Attenborough. Marcus Rashford. Jan Morris. Diana Dors. Bob Geldof. David Olusoga. Elizabeth David. Zaha Hadid. Frank Crichlow. Quentin Crisp. Dusty Springfield. Captain Tom - and many others.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
481 стр.
200x130x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


Introduction: The Crown and the Corona
1. Mountains to Climb
2. Proper Behaviour
3. A Word on Americans
4. Between Catastrophe and Golden Age
5. On Our Uppers
6. Upper Class in the 1950s
7. Nancy, and How to Speak Proper
8. British Shinto
9. Diana and Ruth
10. The Ballad of Stephen Ward
11. Punishment by Acquittal
12. The David and Jonathan of Permissive Britain
13. Schooling: The First Defeat of Socialism
14. The Rebel Conservative
15. Graham, a Very Naughty Boy?
16. Other Homosexualities
17. Hashtag MeToo and the Story of Ted
18. The British Journalist
19. Bad Behaviour: Real Women Break Through
20. Out of Control: New Ways of Misbehaving
21. Lara Croft and Her Boys
22. Does Britain Have Friends?
23. Mountbatten and the Navy
24. New-Fangled Wars, Old-Fashioned Heroes
25. Bob the Good
26. Women and War
27. Getting Out
28. The Empire Loyalist
29. Farrokh Bomi Bulsara
30. Jayaben Desai
31. The Idea of a Nation
32. The Leaping Salmond
33. The Rev. Dan Dare
34. Elizabeth David, Good Eating and Europe
35. Europa, and British Europeans
36. The British California
37. Churchill, European Dreamer
38. The Road to Brexit
39. Brexit Warriors
40. From Burning Tower to Hostile Environment
41. Khadija Saye
42. Didn't We Do Well?
43. 'Houses and Meat and Not Being Scuppered'
44. Cathode Tubes and Isotopes: New Ways of Making
45. Crash! Sir Geoffrey de Havilland
46. The Robot We Never Used
47. Bernard and Norah: Let's Have Some Fun
48. To Potter is to Fly
49. How Others Saw Us
50. Success and Failure on the River Clyde
51. When We Made Great Ships
52. Clive Sinclair: Make it Small
53. The Rest of Creation
54. Anita and the Kindly Market
55. Ridley Scott
56. Nice Boys, Really?
57. Outlandish Fruit
58. The Queen of the Curve
59. Strong Suckers and Raspberries: Making It Here
60. A Networked Nation?
61. Posh and Him
62. Beyond the Market
63. A Future
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