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The Other People

Tudor C. J.

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"Другие люди" - новый леденящий душу роман С. Дж. Тюдор.
Однажды вечером, возвращаясь домой, Гейб видит лицо маленькой девочки, которую он знает, в заднем стекле впереди идущей машины.
Она произносит одними губами одно слово - "Папа".
Он никогда больше не увидит свою пятилетнюю дочь Иззи.
Полиция считает, что она мертва. Но три года спустя Гейб все еще разъезжает по дорогам в поисках машины, которая увезла Иззи, никогда не теряя надежды...
Фрэн и ее дочь Элис не ищут, а убегают. Всегда на шаг впереди людей, которые хотят причинить им боль.
Потому что Фрэн знает правду о дочери Гейба - и она знает, что сделают те, кто преследует ее и Элис, если когда-нибудь поймают их...
Книга на английском языке.

The chilling new novel and Sunday Times top 10 bestseller from the bestselling author of The Chalk Man and The Taking of Annie Thorne
'C. J. Tudor is terrific. I can't wait to see what she does next' Harlan Coben
'A mesmerizingly chilling and atmospheric page-turner' J.P. Delaney, bestselling author of The Girl Before
Driving home one night, Gabe sees the face of a little girl he knows in the rear window of the car in front.
She mouths one word - 'Daddy'.
He never sees his five-year-old daughter, Izzy, again.
The police believe she's dead. But three years later, Gabe still drives the roads, searching for the car that took Izzy, never giving up hope . . .
Fran and her daughter, Alice, aren't searching - but running. Always one step ahead of the people who want to hurt them.
Because Fran knows the truth about Gabe's daughter - and she knows what those chasing her and Alice will do if they ever catch them . . .
'Hugely enjoyable and deliciously creepy' Alex Michaelides, author of The Silent Patient
'A creepy, intense novel that drew me right in and never let go' Samantha Downing, author of My Lovely Wife
'Utterly magnificent. Such a beautifully weaved and satisfyingly complex tale, with just the right level of spookiness' James Oswald, author of the Inspector McLean series
'Chilling and utterly gripping. Loved the twists and the well-drawn everyday details. A fantastic new book from the Queen of Creepy' Will Dean, author of Dark Pines
'A darkly compelling tale of justice, revenge and the darkness lurking at the edges of everyday life - with an utterly propulsive plot that makes it very, very hard to put down' T. M. Logan, author of The Holiday
'C. J. Tudor's best novel to date . . . utterly emotionally believable . . . gripping and thoroughly entertaining' Sarah Pinborough, author of Behind Her Eyes
Praise for C. J. Tudor:
'If you like my stuff, you'll like this' Stephen King
'Britain's female Stephen King' Daily Mail
'Some writers have it, and C. J. Tudor has it big time. The Taking of Annie Thorne is terrific in every way' Lee Child
'Her books have the ability to simultaneously make you unable to stop reading while wishing you could bury the book somewhere deep underground where it can't be found. Compelling and haunting' Sunday Express
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
400 стр.
197x127x25 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Other People

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