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Double Crossed. A Code of Honour, A Complete Betrayal

Wood Brian

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Brian Wood's acts of outstanding bravery in the Iraq War earned him the Military Cross, but those same events also plunged him into a decade of turmoil, left struggling with PTSD and fighting horrific and false accusations of wartime atrocities.

The Sunday Times Bestseller

At the age of 23, Brian Wood was thrust into the front line in Iraq, in the infamous Battle of Danny Boy. Ambushed, he led a charge across open ground with insurgents firing at just five soldiers. On his return, he was awarded the Military Cross.

But Brian's story had only just begun. Struggling to re-integrate into family life, he suffered from PTSD. Then, five years later, a letter arrived: it summoned him to give evidence at the Al-Sweady Inquiry into allegations of war crimes by British soldiers during the Iraq invasion of 2003.

After years of public shame, Brian took the stand and delivered a powerful testimony, and following the tense inquiry room scenes, justice was finally served. Phil Shiner, the lawyer who made the false accusations, was struck off and stripped of an honorary doctorate.

In this compelling memoir, Brian speaks powerfully and movingly about the three battles in his life, from being ambushed with no cover, to the mental battle to adjust at home, to being falsely accused of hideous war crimes. It's a remarkable and dark curve which ends with his honour restored but, as he says, it was too little, too late.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
312 стр.
197x127x20 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Double Crossed. A Code of Honour, A Complete Betrayal

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