Stitched Up. Stories of life and death from a prison doctor

Yousaf Shahed

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Why would anyone want to work with thieves, murderers and rapists?

Told from the inside out, this is a harrowing, humorous and hard-hitting tale of life behind bars by a prison doctor who has seen it all. Literally.

Dr Shahed Yousaf spends his time running between emergencies - from overdoses to assaults, from cell fires to suicides - with one hand perpetually hovering over the panic button. Being a prison doctor is not for the faint-hearted.

An outsider on the inside, in Stitched Up he introduces us to a cast of unforgettable characters, including killers, con men and auto-cannibals. To Dr Yousaf, they are patients first and prisoners second - because any one of us could end up on the wrong side of the law.

Dedicated to caring for people on the margins of society, he tells us honestly and compassionately what it's like to be their doctor in a system that's chronically overcrowded, drastically under-resourced and all too easy to ignore. But while the system is failing, he and his colleagues are doing their very best to prop it up. In stories that are frequently harrowing, sometimes humorous and always hard-hitting, we discover how difficult it is to be locked up - but that there is still hope for all those who dare to care.

For fans of This is Going to Hurt, The Secret Barrister and A Bit of a Stretch
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
308 стр.
230x145x35 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)



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Stitched Up. Stories of life and death from a prison doctor

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