How to Stay Smart in a Smart World. Why Human Intelligence Still Beats Algorithms

Gigerenzer Gerd

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An essential guide to navigating our data-driven world, from the renowned psychologist and author of Risk Savvy

Is more data always a good thing?
Do algorithms really make better decisions than humans?
Can we stay in control in an increasingly automated world?

Drawing on decades of research into decision-making under uncertainty, Gerd Gigerenzer makes a compelling case for the enduring importance of human discernment in an automated world that we are told can - and will - replace our efforts.

From dating apps and self-driving cars to facial recognition and the justice system, the increasing presence of AI has been widely championed - but there are limitations and risks too. Humans are the greatest source of uncertainty in these situations and Gigerenzer shows how, when people are involved, trust in complex algorithms can lead to illusions of certainty that become a recipe for disaster. We need, now more than ever, to arm ourselves with knowledge about how to make better decisions in a digital age

Filled with practical examples and cutting-edge research, How to Stay Smart in a Smart World examines the growing role of AI at all levels of daily life with refreshing clarity. This book is a liferaft in a sea of information and an urgent invitation to actively shape the world in which we want to live.
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возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
312 стр.
240x162x30 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)



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How to Stay Smart in a Smart World. Why Human Intelligence Still Beats Algorithms

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