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The GCHQ Puzzle Book II

Код товара: 4928049
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3 577
5 502
Планируемая дата
22 мая (Ср)
бесплатно от 10 000 ₽
В пункт выдачи
от 155 ₽
бесплатно от 10 000 ₽
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Год издания:
2018 г.



With their first bestselling book, The GCHQ Puzzle Book, the UK's intelligence and security experts tested us with puzzles, codes and real-life entrance tests from their archives.

Now, they are back with a NEW collection of head-scratching, mind-boggling and brain-bending puzzles that will leave you pondering for hours.

For those who often found themselves stumped with the first book, The GCHQ Puzzle Book 2 offers even more starter puzzles to get those brains warmed up. Puzzle aficionados needn't worry though, as there is also an 'Even Harder' section to test everyone to their limits . . .

Not only that, but in celebration of GCHQ's centenary, the puzzles in this new book sit alongside stories, facts and photos from the organisation's first 100 years at the heart of the nation's security. From the Government Code & Cipher School, to Bletchley Park, through to protecting against cyberattacks, the security of our country is in the hands of GCHQ. With this book, you get exclusive snapshots into the organisation that keeps us all safe.

Train your brain to compete with the smartest in the country with this stimulating book of puzzles. If you haven't yet tested yourself with the first instalment of The GCHQ Puzzle Book, check it out now!
количество томов
количество страниц
361 стр.
Мягкая обложка
233x152x32 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
код в Майшоп



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The GCHQ Puzzle Book II

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