The Way Out. The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Heal Chronic Pain

Gordon Alan, Ziv Alon

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Rewire your brain, end your pain.

From back pain to migraines, arthritis and sciatica, over 1.2 billion people worldwide suffer from regular or chronic pain, 28 million in the UK alone. It’s a global epidemic that regularly resists treatment and can totally derail people’s lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

This is the revolutionary message from psychotherapist Alan Gordon who, frustrated by the lack of effective treatment for his own debilitating pain, developed a highly successful approach to eliminating symptoms without surgery or medication, offering a viable and drug-free alternative to existing – and often addictive – methods.

Based on the premise that pain starts in the brain not the body, Gordon’s Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) enables you to rewire your neural circuits and turn off 'stuck' pain signals. In a ground-breaking study, PRT helped 98% of patients reduce their pain levels and 66% were completely cured. What's more, these dramatic changes held up over time.

In The Way Out, Gordon provides an easy-to-follow guide to ending your pain with PRT. Drawing on cutting-edge research along with his own experiences as a chronic pain sufferer, he will help you:

- Understand how the brain can unintentionally 'learn' chronic pain
- Turn off pain signals that have become 'stuck' - these are false alarms
- Use revolutionary techniques to break the cycle of fear that causes chronic pain
- Develop long-term strategies for living pain-free

Game-changing, practical and full of real-life stories from Gordon’s clinical practice, this book will change the way you think about pain forever - and give you a way out of your pain today.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
210 стр.
235x154x18 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Way Out. The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Heal Chronic Pain

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