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Coming out

Стил Даниэла

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Год издания:



Could one calamitous evening ruin the perfect life?
No challenge was too great, or so she thought
All round high-flier Olympia Crawford Rubinstein has it all, a busy legal career, a solid marriage and a perfect family. She manages her life with grace and energy and there seems to be no challenge to which she cannot rise. Until one day she opens an invitation for her twin daughters to attend an exclusive coming out ball and her good fortune is changed irrevocably.
Chaos ensues as conflicting feelings emerge about the ball and Olympia finds herself at the heart of a severe family feud. Devastated, and pulled in all directions, Olympia is more determined than ever to steer her family through the event. Yet events unravel at an alarming speed and Olympia is poised to surrender when suddenly a series of events result in several changes of heart, old wounds are healed and new traditions born. Can an evening of heartbreak and misery make way for an evening of growth, acceptance and love?
In a novel that is by turns profound, poignant, moving and warmly funny, Danielle Steel tells the story of an extraordinary family - finding new ways of letting go, stepping up and coming out ....in the ways that matter most.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
256 стр.
179x106x16 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Coming out

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