How Art Works. The Concepts Visually Explained

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What goes into creating art? How can we learn to "read" paintings? What are the key elements of composition?

If you've ever found yourself seeking the answers to the above questions and more, then this may be the book for you! An art book like no other, How Art Works uses practical graphics to demonstrate the techniques, styles, materials, and concepts that lie behind great art. It shows you how to interpret paintings, drawings, and sculptures, and reveals how art is made, laying out the key techniques and materials in visual detail. It also explains the nuts and bolts of the technical aspects behind art, such as perspective and composition, and shows how to identify major artistic styles and movements.

This awe-inspiring art history book features:

- Oil and watercolour painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, and more
- Explains the technical aspects of visual arts including perspective, light, colour, form, and texture
- A selection of major art movements such as Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and more
- Shows how information, messages, and emotion can be conveyed through art
- Highlights key inventions and developments

Providing all you need to know to build on your artistic understanding and appreciation, this is the perfect book for art lovers of all kinds, whether you're an art student, or you're simply a lover of visual art and are looking to discover more about art but aren't sure where to begin.

At DK, we believe in the power of discovery.

So why stop there?

How Art Works is part of DK's widely successful How Stuff Works series. Discover the inner workings of the mind with How the Brain Works, succeed in all things science with How Science Works and discover the cosmos like you've never known before with How Space Works. Whatever topic sparks your interests, there's a plethora of knowledge to discover!
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
224 стр.
240x200x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт



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