Love Letters of Great Men and Women

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Впервые вместе в одном томе: любовные письма великих мужчин, ставшие бестселлерами, и любовные письма великих женщин
В "Любовных письмах великих мужчин и женщин" собраны одни из самых романтичных писем в истории - от личных бумаг Джейн Остин и Моцарта до Анны Болейн и Нельсона.
Для некоторых из этих великих людей любовь - "восхитительный яд" (Уильям Конгрив); для других - "милая нежная жена на диване с хорошим камином, книгами и музыкой" (Чарльз Дарвин). Любовь может обжигать, как жар солнца (Генрих VIII), или проникать в глубины сердца, как прохладный дождь (Флобер). Но как насчет другой стороны истории?
Взятые вместе, эти любовные письма показывают, что, возможно, за последние 2000 лет мало что изменилось. Страсть, ревность, надежда и страстное желание - все это представлено здесь, как и простое удовольствие отправить письмо человеку, которого ты любишь больше всего, и получить его от него.
Книга на английском языке.

Together for the first time in one volume: the bestselling Love Letters of Great Men and Love Letters of Great Women
From the private papers of Jane Austen and Mozart to those of Anne Boleyn and Nelson, Love Letters of Great Men and Women collects together some of the most romantic letters in history.
For some of these great men, love is a 'delicious poison' (William Congreve); for others, 'a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, & books & music' (Charles Darwin). Love can scorch like the heat of the sun (Henry VIII), or penetrate the depths of one's heart like a cooling rain (Flaubert). But what about the other side of the story? What of the secret hopes and lives of some of the greatest women in history?
Taken together, these love letters show that perhaps little has changed over the last 2,000 years. Passion, jealousy, hope and longing are all represented here - as is the simple pleasure of sending a letter to, and receiving one from, the person you love most.
Includes letters by:
Anne Boleyn, Beethoven, Edith Wharton, Mark Twain, Mary Wordsworth, Nell Gwyn (mistress of Charles II), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, G.K. Chesterton, Queen Victoria, Napoleon Bonaparte, The Empress Josephine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Amadeus Mozart, Katherine Mansfield.
Praise for Love Letters of Great Men:
'The most romantic book ever' Daily Mail
'Inspired by the Sex and the City movie... Famous men caught with pen in hand and heart in mouth' The Times
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
320 стр.
198x130x20 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


Pliny the Younger to his wife, Calpurnia
King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn
William Congreve to Mrs Arabella Hunt
Richard Steele to Miss Mary Scurlock
George Farquhar to Anne Oldfield
Alexander Pope to Martha Blount
Alexander Pope to Teresa Blount
Alexander Pope to Lady Mary Worthy Montagu
David Hume to Madame de Boufflers
Laurence Sterne to Catherine Fourmantel
Laurence Sterne to Lady Percy
Denis Diderot to Sophie Volland
Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, to Lady
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to his wife, Constance
Lord Nelson to Lady Emma Hamilton
Robert Burns to Mrs Agnes Maclehose
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller to Charlotte von
Napoleon Bonaparte to his wife, Josephine
Daniel Webster to Josephine Seaton
Ludwig van Beethoven to his 'Immortal Beloved'
William Ha^litt to Sarah Walker
Lord Byron to Lady Caroline Lamb
Lord Byron to the Countess Guiccioli
John Keats to Fanny Brawne
Honore de Balzac to the Countess Ewelina Hanska
Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher
Nathaniel Hawthorne to his wife, Sophia
Benjamin Disraeli to Mary Anne Wyndham Lewis
Charles Darwin to Emma Wedgwood
Alfred de Musset to George Sand
Robert Schumann to Clara Wieck
Robert Browning to Elizabeth Barrett
Gustave Flaubert to Louise Colet
Gustave Flaubert to George Sand
Walter Bagehot to Elizabeth Wilson
Mark Twain to Olivia Langdon
William F. Testerman to Miss Jane Davis
Charles Stewart Parnell to Katharine O'Shea
Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas
Pierre Curie to Marie Sklodovska (Marie Curie)
G. K. Chesterton to Frances Blogg
Captain Alfred Bland to his wife, Violet
Regimental Sergeant-Major James Milne to his wife,
Second Lieutenant John Lindsay Rapoport to his fiancee
Lady Joan Pelham to Sir John Pelham
Margery Brews (Paston) to Sir John Paston
Katherine of Aragon to Henry VIII
Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII
Dorothy Osborne (Temple) to Sir William Temple
Nell Gwyn to Lawrence Hyde (later Earl of Rochester)
Lady Mary Pierrepont (Lady Mary Worthy Montagu) to
Edward Worthy Montagu
Abigail Smith (Adams) to John Adams
Manon Jeanne Philipon (Madame Roland) to Leonard
Maria Smythe (Mrs Fitzherbert) to the Prince Regent
Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay
Mary Wollstonecraft to William Godwin
Marie-Josephe-Rose Tascher de la Pagerie (Empress
Josephine) to Napoleon Bonaparte
Mary Hutchinson (Wordsworth) to William Wordsworth
Maria Branwell (Bronte) to the Rev. Patrick Bronte
Maria Bicknell (Constable) to John Constable
Claire Clairmont to Lord Byron
Jane Welsh (Carlyle) to Thomas Carlyle
George Sand to Alfred de Musset
George Sand to Pietro Pagello
Clara Wieck (Schumann) to Robert Schumann
Queen Victoria to Prince Albert
Queen Victoria to the King of the Belgians
Emily Dickinson to Susan Gilbert (Dickinson)
Isabella May son (Mrs Beeton) to Sam Beeton
Mary Wyndham (Lady Elcho) to Arthur Balfour
Edith Newbold Jones (Wharton) to W.Morton Fullerton
Rosa Luxemburg to Leo Jogiches
Empress Alexandra of Russia to Tsar Nicholas II
Katherine Mansfield to John Middleton Murry
Katherine Mansfield to Princess Bibesco (nee Elizabeth
Letters from the Great War



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Love Letters of Great Men and Women

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