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Oracle magic of hearts, 88 cards + 2 additional cards + manual

Raullkrass Oxana

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Your heart has a messege to you! It is about love and magic, work and relation- ships, business and friendships. This card shows different ways to get you own sat- isfaction and target. Open this card deck, open your heart – and you will get real message from the Universe with love.

This card can tell you about conditions and circumstances of your future. There are many good advises from author in business and relationships. You can make decisions to change your life better. All simbols help you to realize that the origin is impotant. Feel the courage and love in your heart to make your life better. This card is a letter from the Universe. It’s about your life. It’s about you!
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
количество томов
130x75x60 мм


The value of the cards
I. The Young man
2 The Girl
3. The Man
4. The Woman
5. The Child
6. The Old Man
7. The Old Lady
8. Relatives
9. Enemy
10. Aristocracy
II. The Dream
12. The Serenad
13. A date
14. A Peeping tom
15. Airplanes
16. The Matchmaker.
17. Motion
18. Travel
19. Dance
20. Popularity
21. Trickle
22. Selection
23. The duelling
24. Sitting on the neck
25. Henpecked
26. Leash
27. Rolling pin
28. Rake
29. Tug of war.
30. The Harvest
31. Swings
32. Expectation
33. Privacy
34. Monasticism
35. Care
36. Loss
37. The past
38. Knife in the back
39. Benefit
40. Temptation
41. Treason
42. Hayloft
43. Cold bed
44. Passion
45. Masquerade
46. Manipulation
47. Blackmail
48. To Beg
49. Edge
50. Sunset
51. The scandal
52. Beatings
53. Revenge
54. The Trampled Heart
55. The trap
56. Obligations
57. Mesalliance
58. Gossip
59. Being late
60. Self-love
61. Quagmire
62. Pervert
63. Maniac
64. Alcoholism
65. Obsession
66. Alimony payments
67. Trivia
68. White Flag
69. The Truce
70. Plans
71. Foundation
72. Incubation
73. The embryo
74. Value
75. Witchcraft
76. Agreement
77. Bonds
78. Destiny
79. The Cross
80. Boomerang
81. Religion
82. Home
83. Joint old age
84. Romance
85. Love
86. Wedding
87. Family
88. Happiness
3-card layout
Relationship breakdown



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