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The Knackered Mother's Wine Guide. Because Life's too Short to Drink Bad Wine

McGinn Helen

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Do you frequently panic in the wine aisle and end up reaching for the same old thing. Every. Single. Time?
Have you found yourself picking the bottle with the nicest-looking label?
Do you automatically pick the second-cheapest wine on the list?
Are you looking to extend your wine horizons beyond Pinot Grigio?

You need The Knackered Mother's Wine Guide.

Come and explore the wonderful world of wine with drinks expert Helen McGinn. With tips on how to make the right wine choices for every occasion, from children's parties (because adults need something fizzy too) to planning a wedding or matching wine with food, this book will help you to choose with confidence.

Learn what to look for in the discount deals and discover the can't-go-wrong crowd-pleasers, perfect reds to go with your Sunday roast, the best wine to drink with chocolate, plus some unexpected suggestions for your next night in. Wine is about far more than just what's in the glass (although that's important too); it brings us together and helps us to find a moment to stop, connect and share stories. This crash-course guide will help you know what to look for in fridge-door whites, store cupboard reds so that you can make the most of time spent together to raise a glass for a special occasion, or wind-down when the kids have finally gone to bed.

Because life's too short to drink bad wine.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
242 стр.
197x130x15 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Knackered Mother's Wine Guide. Because Life's too Short to Drink Bad Wine

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