My Magical Dragon. Sparkly Sticker Activity Book

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My Magical Dragon Sparkly Sticker Book, by Campbell Books, is a perfect first sticker book for fans of these scaly mythical creatures!
Young children will have fun completing matching games, mazes, colouring-in and much more. With over 400 stickers, including a page of shiny foil stickers, children will love decorating these pages with lots of fun characters!
Filled with Yujin Shin's colourful illustrations, sparkling detail, and lots of imaginative things to spot!
Bring more of My Magical's shiny, sparkly scenes to life with My Magical Unicorn Sparkly Sticker Book and My Magical Mermaid Sparkly Sticker Book.
This book goes far beyond an ordinary sticker book and has such an abundance of different, non sticker related activities such as mazes and spot the difference that [my child] hasn't yet bored of it . . . This is a great quality activity book and I will definitely be exploring more in the range. It would also make a great gift.
Toppsta Reviewer
The activities are great for my 4 years old. The stickers are the highlight though, and there are plenty of stickers. My daughter spend 2 happy and quiet hours with the book.
Toppsta Reviewer
This is a lovely activity and sticker book. My 3 year old spent a long time colouring and sticking by herself and then did some of the activities with my help. We liked that there were lots of different stickers and the pages in the book are colourful and engaging for pre-schoolers.
Toppsta Reviewer
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
24 стр.
305x238x4 мм
тип бумаги
244 г
Мягкая обложка



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