Design A Healthy Home. 100 Ways to Transform Your Space for Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Хит Оливер, Jackson Victoria, Goode Eden

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Оригинальное название:
Дизайн интерьера с заботой о себе. 100 решений, подсказанных природой
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Create a healthy, happy home with 100 design ideas to support your physical and mental well-being.

Using the latest evidence and research in well-being and Biophilic Design, learn how to transform every space in your home to create a restorative and nurturing environment. Discover the many benefits of connecting to nature, maximising natural light, improving air quality, and the right way to add colour, texture, and pattern to create spaces that improve relaxation, recuperation, social connections, and sleep.

Together with the research team at Oliver Heath Design, including sustainability expert Victoria Jackson, psychologist Eden Goode, and designer Jo Baston, Oliver has devised each solution with easy implementation in mind. Whatever your budget and whether you rent or own your property you can use these stylish fun and affordable ideas to make your home a sanctuary.

Inside the pages of this home decor book, you'll discover how to detoxify your home by making small changes. It includes:

- 100 tried-and-tested practical solutions for improving your living space - even if you are on a budget or renting!
- Stylish, fun and affordable interior design tips based on the latest research in sustainable, biophilic design
- Introducing colour, pattern and texture to your home, adapting and creating zones, as well as bringing the outdoors in and maintaining your houseplants
- Clear chapters organised by solution including Light, Sleep, Sound, Warmth and Air

The ideas and solutions included in this book have been devised with easy implementation in mind. Optimise lighting in your home by using reflective surfaces for a brighter space, follow a ventilation checklist to replenish the air in your home and remove pollutants, or unlock the powers of a tech-free bedroom for a better night's sleep.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
192 стр.
223x178x20 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт



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