Read With Oxford. Stages 5-6. My Winnie and Wilbur Reading and Activity Kit

Оуэн Лора

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Join Winnie the witch and her cat Wilbur in this reading and activity kit. With four hilarious stories, fun activities, spooky spell poster and reusable stickers, and top tips for parents, this kit will help develop your child's reading, writing and comprehension skills.
The four stories have short chapters and are a great way for children who are beginning to read independently to extend reading stamina and progress to the next step of their reading journey. The activity book includes quizzes on each story, witchy word games and fun creative writing activities. Your child can collect potion ingredient stickers to create their own spells on the poster. The kit also contains a parent leaflet offering tips and advice on how to approach reading and comprehension
once your child is an independent reader.
Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold.
Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
120 стр.
213x190x16 мм
тип бумаги



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