The Easy Way to Quit Cocaine. Rediscover Your True Self and Enjoy Freedom, Health, and Happiness

Карр Аллен, Dicey John

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Read to this book and become happily cocaine-free for the rest of your life.

Are you losing yourself because of your addiction to cocaine? Is it hurting your relationships, self-esteem and sense of fulfilment? Allen Carr's Easyway method will set you free from the tyranny of cocaine and enable you to get your life back!

Allen Carr's Easyway method is a global phenomenon - a clinically proven and 100% drug-free treatment for nicotine addiction which has since been successfully applied to a variety of addictions and behavioural issues. This book applies that tried-and-tested method to the problem of cocaine addiction, giving you a structured, easy-to-follow method for getting free from cannabis painlessly and immediately.

The ingenious thing about the Easyway method is that it doesn't rely on willpower. Instead it works by unravelling the cognitive brainwashing behind your addiction. This means that you will not only be set free from your cocaine addiction but you will also find it easy and even enjoyable to quit.

• No willpower, aids, substitutes or gimmicks necessary
• No anxiety, depression, or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms
• Effective for anyone who consumes cocaine, in any form

This book is designed to help busy people, who appreciate clear no-nonsense guidance. Simply read, follow the steps and become a happy, cannabis-free person for the rest of your life.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
количество томов
количество страниц
200 стр.
200x130x15 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Easy Way to Quit Cocaine. Rediscover Your True Self and Enjoy Freedom, Health, and Happiness

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