The Redemption of Time


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Published with the blessing of Cixin Liu, The Redemption of Time extends the astonishing universe conjured by the Three-Body Trilogy.
Death is no release for Yun Tianming – merely the first step on a journey that will place him on the frontline of a war that has raged since the beginning of time.

At the end of the fourth year of the Crisis Era, Yun Tianming died. He was flash frozen, put aboard a spacecraft and launched on a trajectory to intercept the Trisolaran First Fleet. It was a desperate plan, a Trojan gambit almost certain to fail. But there was an infinitesimal chance that the aliens would find rebooting a human irresistible, and that someday, somehow, Tianming might relay valuable information back to Earth.

And so he did. But not before he betrayed humanity.

Now, after millennia in exile, Tianming has a final chance at redemption. A being calling itself The Spirit has recruited him to help wage war against a foe that threatens the existence of the entire universe. a challenge he will accept, but this time Tianming refuses to be a mere pawn... He has his own plans.

Published with the blessing of Cixin Liu, The Redemption of Time extends the astonishing universe conjured by the Three-Body Trilogy. You'll discover why the universe is a 'dark forest', and for the first time, you'll come face-to-face with a Trisolaran...
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
341 стр.
198x130x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Redemption of Time

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