The Art of the Glimpse. 100 Irish short stories

Barrett Colin, Bardwell Leland, Barlow Jane

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A special reissue from Head of Zeus's bestselling anthology collection of the very best Irish short stories, selected by Sinead Gleeson, author of Constellations, winner of the Irish Book Award Non Fiction Book of the Year 2019.

There have been many anthologies of the short story as it developed in Ireland, but never a collection like this.

The Art of the Glimpse is a radical revision of the canon of the Irish story, uniting classic works with neglected writers and marginalised voices – women, Traveller folk-tales, neglected 19th-century authors and the first wave of 'new Irish' writers from all over the world now making a life in Ireland. Sinead Gleeson brings together stories that range from the most sublime realism to the downright bizarre and transgressive, some from established literary figures and some that have not yet been published in book form.

The collection draws on a tremendous spectrum of experience: the story of a prank come good by Bram Stoker; Sally Rooney on the love languages of the new generation; Donal Ryan on the pains of ageing; Edna O'Brien on the things we betray for love; James Joyce on a young woman torn between the familiar burdens and oppression of her home and the dangerous lure of romance and escape; and the internal monologue of a woman in a coma by Marian Keyes. Here too are vivid and less familiar stories by Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi, Oein De Bharduin, Blindboy Boatclub and Melatu Uche Okorie.

Sinead Gleeson's anthology is a marvellous representation of a rich literary tradition renewing itself in the 21st century.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
754 стр.
247x177x45 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт



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The Art of the Glimpse. 100 Irish short stories

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