That's What She Said

Lipman Joanne

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'Urgently needed' Charles Duhigg, bestselling author of THE POWER OF HABIT and SMARTER
'Attention, good guys: this book is for you' Adam Grant, bestselling author of ORIGINALS and OPTION B with Sheryl Sandberg
'I know what you're thinking: 'Not another career guide-cum-manifesto, telling us to "woman up" and demand more money.' But that isn't what Lipman says. Instead, she uses data, reams of it, to expose how the system is rigged against women. She then calls for men to join the fight to make the workplace more equal' SUNDAY TIMES STYLE MAGAZINE
Women spend their working lives adapting to an environment set up for men, by men: from altering the way they speak to changing the clothes they wear to power posing. But still the gender gap persists. And once you see it - women being overlooked, interrupted, their ideas credited to men - it's impossible to ignore.
But it needn't be this way.
Diving deep into the wide range of government initiatives, corporate experiments and social science research Joanne Lipman offers fascinating new revelations about the way men and women work culled from the Enron scandal, from brain research, from transgender scientists and from Iceland's campaign to 'feminise' an entire nation. Packed with fascinating and entertaining examples - from the woman behind the success of Tupperware to how Google reinvented its hiring process - That's What She Said is a rallying cry to both men and women to finally take real steps towards closing the gender gap.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
297 стр.
197x131x19 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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