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What to Expect. The 1st Year

Murkoff Heidi

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This comprehensive and practical month-by-month guide clearly explains everything parents need to know – or might be worrying about – in the first year with a new baby.

All-new chapter on buying for baby; helping parents navigate through the dizzying gamut of baby products, nursery items and gear.
Baby care fundamentals, from crib and sleep safety to vitamin supplements.
Feeding for every age and stage, including tips on breastfeeding, preparing homemade baby food and the latest recommendations on starting solids.
Charts for key development stages and sleeping habits, as well as sleep strategies that really work.
Research on the impact of screen time (TVs, tablets, apps, computers).
The most up-to-date medical advice on vaccines, illnesses, SIDS, safety, and more, plus handy first-aid guides.
Dozens of Q&A sections, practical tips and advice that focus on advice for parents and their baby, covering everything from how to give a bath and decode your baby's crying to when to return to work.
This is the only book on infant care to address both the physical and emotional needs of the whole family. This edition is organised more intuitively than ever before.
Covering the most up-to-date knowledge, both medical and developmental, What to Expect. The 1st Year is, above all, down-to-earth and reassuring – and an invaluable aid for all parents of new babies.

3rd Edition.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
678 стр.
234x153x33 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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