Winning. The Unforgiving Race to Greatness

Grover Tim S., Wenk Shari

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From the elite performance coach for Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade and many others - and the author of the powerful bestseller Relentless - a no-holds-barred formula for winning that is ideal for business people, athletes and anybody wanting to achieve success.

In Relentless, Tim Grover showed that you need to be tough and ruthless - towards others and yourself - to achieve your goals. Now, in Winning he takes that skill repertoire to an even higher level, demonstrating why he is one of the world’s most sought-after mindset experts. Based on three decades of work with elite competitors like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade, Winning challenges you to destroy every obstacle in your path, even if, at the moment of greatest triumph, it may be all taken away.

Whether you’re an athlete striving to win, an entrepreneur building a business, a CEO managing an empire, a salesperson looking to close a deal, or a high achiever determined to stand in the winner’s circle, Winning offers thirteen key principles for ramping up your performance to the maximum. If you’re addicted to the taste of success and crave more, then you’re ready for the results-driven performance formula found here. And if you’re already winning and want to learn how to execute excellence repeatedly - so you can own not just this moment, but the next, and the next - then Winning is for you.
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18+ (нет данных)
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230 стр.
200x130x15 мм
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