The Elements of Graphic Design. Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type

White Alex W.

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In full color, with over 750 images to enhance and clarify the concepts, this thought-provoking resource is for graphic designers, professors, and students.
This Third Edition, wholly revised and updated with essays on design thinking by seven industry leaders and a wealth of new images, provides designers, art directors, and students-regardless of experience-with a unique approach to thoughtful, convincing design. In full color with guidance on the rules of design and how to break them for the reader's benefit.
Contributing essayists are Niklaus Troxler, Geray Gencer, Ashley Schofield, Brian D. Miller, Fons Hickman, Max Shangle, and Tad Crawford.
The Elements of Graphic Design, Third Edition describes how to:
- Employ white space as a significant component of design
- Define and reveal dominant images, words, and concepts
- Use scale, position, and color to guide readers through levels of importance
- Use type for maximum comprehension and value to the reader
Educator, author, and thirty-five-year design veteran Alex W. White has assembled a wealth of information and examples in his exploration of what makes visual design both stunning and powerfully attractive to readers.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
231 стр.
255x205x20 мм
тип бумаги
Мягкая обложка



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