Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Textbook

Николаев Анатолий Витальевич

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Оригинальное название:
Топографическая анатомия и оперативная хирургия. Учебник
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The textbook provides topographic descriptions of organs and tissues in the regions of the human body strictly to the layer-by-layer principle and applies the terms from the latest offi cial international anatomic nomenclature (AN, Rome, 1999) both in English and in Latin. It also lays out the most wide-spread surgical operations.
This edition includes cases and tests for self-assessment as well as over 400 fi gures, both original and modifi ed from other manuals.
The revised and improved textbook is designed for the third-fourth year Englishspeaking medical students.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
672 стр.
247x172x28 мм
70x100/16 (170x240) мм
978-5-9704-4549-5, 978-5-9704-5300-1, 978-5-9704-6095-5
тип бумаги
Твёрдый переплёт


Chapter 1. Terms and principles of topographic
anatomy and operative surgery
Chapter 2. Upper limb, membrum superius
Subclavian region, regio infraclavicularis
Axillary region, regio axillaris, and axillary fossa, fossa
Scapular region, regio scapularis
Deltoid region, regio deltoidea
Shoulder joint, articulatio humeri
Collateral blood circulation in regions of shoulder girdle
Anterior region of arm, regio brachii anterior
Posterior region of the arm, regio brachii posterior
Anterior region of elbow, regio cubiti anterior
Posterior region of elbow, regio cubiti posterior
Elbow joint, articulatio cubiti
Anterior region of forearm, regio antebrachii anterior
Posterior region of forearm, regio antebrachii posterior
Radius Fractures in Typical Place
Distal radioulnar joint, articulatio radioulnaris distalis
Anterior region of wrist, regio carpalis anterior
Posterior region of wrist, regio carpalis posterior
Radial side of wrist
Joints of the hand, articulationes manus
Palm ,palma
Dorsum of hand, regio dorsalis manus
Palmar surface of digits, facies palmares digitorum
Dorsal surface of digits, facies dorsales digitorum
Symptoms of large nerves injuries in upper limb
Operations on upper limb
Operations for purulent processes of hand and digits
Operations on dorsal surface of distal (nail) phalanx
Operations for purulent tendovaginites
Operations for phlegmons of hand
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment
Chapter 3. Lower limb, membrum inferius
Anterior region of thigh, regio femoris anterior
Gluteal region, regio glutea
Hip joint, articulatio coxae
Posterior region of thigh, regio femoris posterior
Anterior region of knee joint, regio genus anterior
Posterior region of the knee joint (popliteal fossa),
regio genus posterior
(fossa poplitea)
Knee joint, articulatio genus
Anterior region of leg, regio cruris anterior
Posterior region of leg, regio cruris posterior
Anterior ankle region, regio talocruralis anterior
Posterior ankle region, regio talocruralis posterior
Lateral retromalleolar region, regio retromalleolaris
Medial retromalleolar region, regio retromalleolaris
Ankle joint, articulatio talocruralis
Foot, pes
Operations on the lower limb
Operations on the lower limb vessels
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment
Chapter 4. Head, caput
Cranial part of head
Calvaria, calvaria
Frontal-parietal-occipital region, regio
Temporal region, regio temporalis
Auricular region, regio auricularis
Mastoid region, regio mastoidea
Internal surface of cranial base, basis cranii interna
Facial part of head
Orbital region, regio orbitalis
Nasal region, regio nasalis
Oral region, regio oralis
Mental region, regio mentalis
Infra-orbital region, regio infraorbitalis
Buccal region, regio buccalis
Parotid-masseteric region, regio parotideomasseterica
Operations on head
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment
Chapter 5. Neck, cervix (collum)
Fasciae and cellular spaces of neck
Anterior cervical region, regio cervicalis anterior
Sternocleidomastoid region, regio
Lateral cervical region, regio cervicalis lateralis
Posterior cervical region, regio cervicis (colli) posterior
Operations on neck
Tests for self-assessment
Tasks for self-assessment
Chapter 6. Chest, thorax
Thoracic cage, cavea thoracica
Diaphragm, diaphragma
Topography of thoracic cavity, cavitas thoracis
Mediastinum, mediastinum
Thoracic wall, mammary gland and thoracic cavity
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment
Chapter 7. Abdomen, abdomen
General characteristics
Anterolateral abdominal wall
Inguinal region, regio inguinalis
Abdominal cavity, cavitas abdominis
Operations for abdomen
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment
Chapter 8. The lumbar region and retroperitoneal
space, regio lumbalis et spatium retroperitoneale
Lumbar region, regio lumbalis
Retroperitoneal space, spatium retroperitoneale
Operations on the organs of the retroperitoneal space
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment
Chapter 9. Pelvis and perineum, pelvis et perineum
Walls of the lesser pelvis
Divisions of the lesser pelvis cavity
Topography of pelvis organs
Perineum, perineum
Male urogenital region, regio urogenitalis masculinum
The female pudendal region, pudendum femininum
Operations for lesser pelvis organs and for perineum
Tests for self-assessment
Cases for self-assessment



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