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Transurfing in 78 Days — A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality

Зеланд Вадим

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This book breaks down the Transurfing principles into 78 bight-sized chunks.
Transurfing is a powerful tool for creating your own reality. When you apply these basic principles, you will gain the power to change your destiny.
Even if you are totally new to the principles of Transurfing, you can complete the course on creating your own reality in just 78 days.
The knowledge you gain from the course, will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the external world. As you apply the principles to your everyday life, you will come to understand that physical reality does not exist as a set phenomenon in and of itself.
At each moment in time, from numerous possible decisions, you will learn how to make the one that will help you achieve your goals most effectively, and create a reality in alignment with the kinds of events that you decide do or do not have a place in your life.
Materialists focus on overcoming existing obstacles, which they tend to create themselves; idealists live in a dreamworld with their head in the clouds. Neither type is capable of shaping their own reality. With this practical course in Transurfing, you have the chance to learn how to do just that.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
количество томов
количество страниц
148 стр.
200x130x9 мм
страна изготовления
84x108/32 (130x200) мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


Message to the Master
Reality in an unfamiliar guise
Transurfing Principles
1. Awakening
2. Hacking the Dream
3. Child of God
4. A Star Is Bom
5. The World Mirror
6. The Boomerang
7. The Illusory Reflection
8. The Pifik Twins
9. The Sigh of Relief
10. Release
11. Confidence
12. Balance
13. The Charismatic Soul
14. Love Yourself
15. 1 Am My Goal
16. Faith
17. Feelings of Guilt
18. Self-worth
19. The Master's Credo
20. Your True Path
21. The Master's Verdict
22. Declaring Intention
23. Resolve to Act
24. Resolve to Have
25. World Cleanup
26. Wave of Success
27. Chasing the Reflection
28. Creating an Image
29. World, Give Yourself to Me!
30. Here World, Have Me!
31. The Oyster Effect
32. The Master's Intention
33. The Pendulum Rule
34. The Transurfing Rule
35. Dropping Importance
36. Ending the Battle
37. Co-ordinating Intention
38. My World Cares
39. Against the Flow
40. With the Variants Flow
41. The Habit of Remembering
42. Smashing Stereotypes
43. Visualising the Process
44. Slides
45. Path to Your Goal
46. Door
47. Co-dependent Relationships
48. The Search for Love
49. Extinguishing a Pendulum
50. The Pendulum Flop
51. Incomprehensible Infinity
52. Gatekeeper to Eternity
53. Shaping Your Own Destiny
54. Spiritual Laziness
55. The Master's Mindset
56. Dissatisfaction with the World
57. Inferiority
58. Self-sufficiency
59. Decision Making
60. The Rustle of the Morning Stars
61. Borrowed Goals
62. Your Personal Goal
63. The Boat Wheel of Intention
64. The Soul's Sail
65. Pessimism
66. Support
67. Refining the Script
68. Box for the Soul
69. Idealisation
70. Unconditional Love
71. Polar Comparisons
72. The Unique Soul
73. The Miserly Mind
74. The Greedy Soul
75. Money
76. Comfort Zone
77. Allies
78. Guardian Angel



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