Normal Physiology

Dorokhov Ye. V., Karpova A. V., Semiletova V. A.

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Оригинальное название:
Нормальная физиология
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The textbook is designed to improve the efficiency of students’ independent work in training for practical and final classes in extracurricular time. It contains theoretical material, arranged in a logical structure, revealing the most important mechanisms and regulations of physiological processes, as well as profi le material for students of General Medicine faculty. The textbook includes control questions, situational tasks and keys to them.
It is intended for students studying in the training area of 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, a course of Normal physiology. It can also be useful for doctors interested in the physiological basis of their specialty.
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возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
512 стр.
265x210x35 мм
84x108/16 (205x260) мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт


Chapter 1. Introduction to physiology. General
functional characteristics of the human body physiology
1.2. Methodological principles in physiology
1.3. Physiological function
1.4. Cells and their functions
Main structural and functional components of the cell
1.5. Characteristics of body tissues
1.6. General characteristics of organs
1.7. Whole organism
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 2. General physiology of excitable tissues
2.1. Concept of irritability and excitability
Irritability, stimulation, and stimuli
2.2. Resting membrane potential
2.3. Mechanisms of resting membrane
potential formation
2.4. Prepotential and critical level
of depolarization
2.5. Action potential
2.6. Basic laws of excitation of cells and tissues
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Situational tasks
Chapter 3. General physiology of the nervous system.
Neurons and gliocytes
3.1. General characteristics of the nervous
3.2. Parts of the nervous system
3.3. Functional levels of the organization
of the nervous system
3.4. General characteristics of neurons
and gliocytes
Neuron as a functional unit of the nervous system
3.5. Functions of sensory receptors
Receptors as sensory transducers
Properties of receptors and regulation
of their function
3.6. Synapse
Classification of synapses
Formation of excitatory postsynaptic
potentials (EPSP)
3.7. Appearance of excitation in the neuron
3.8. Excitation conduction in nerve fibers
3.9. Propagation of excitation along the nerve
3.10. Trophic function of neuron
3.11. Axon regeneration
3.12. Functional role of neuroglia
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Situational tasks
Chapter 4. Reflex activity of the nervous
system. Nerve centers, their interaction
4.1. Reflex principle of the nervous system
4.2. Neural circuits
Excitatory neural circuits
4.3. Nerve centers
Properties of nerve centers
4.4. Interaction (coordination and integration)
of nerve centers
Main forms of interaction of nerve centers
Types of functional systems
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Situational tasks
Chapter 5. Central nervous system physiology
5.1. The spinal cord
5.2. Brainstem
5.3. Midbrain
5.4. Cerebellum functions
5.5. Limbic system
5.6. Basal ganglia
5.7. Cerebral cortex
Localization of cerebral cortex functions
Self-control behavior
5.8. Blood-brain barrier
Cerebrospinal fluid
Profile material
Control question
Situational tasks
Chapter 6. Basic non-invasive methods
of studying the CNS in human
6.1. Computed tomography
6.2. Electroencephalography
6.3. Evoked potentials (EP) of the brain
6.4. Doppler ultrasound
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 7. Endocrine system
7.1. General characteristics of the endocrine
Types of action of hormones
Hormone interaction
7.2. Hormone production
7.3. Transport of hormones by blood
7.4. Physiological effects of hormones
Main effects of hormones in whole body
7.5. Catabolism and excretion of hormones
7.6. Regulation of endocrine function
Liberin and statin transport
Regulation via the posterior pituitary
Genetic effects
Metabolism effects
Environmental effects
Biorhythms of endocrine secretion
7.7. Assessment of endocrine function
7.8. Pituitary physiology
Metabolic effects of somatotropic hormone
7.9. Thyroid gland
Secretion of thyroid hormones
7.10. Parathyroid glands
7.11. Endocrine function of the pancreas
7.12. Physiology of the adrenal glands
(cortical and medullary layers)
7.13. Sex glands and hormonal function
of the placenta
7.14. Pineal gland
7.15. Thymus
Profile material
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 8. Role of calcium
and mechanisms maintaining
calcium homeostasis
8.1. Role of calcium in the human body
8.2. Calcium requirements
8.3. Regulation of calcium metabolism
in the body
8.4. Calcium deficiency in the body
8.5. Elevated calcium content in the body
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 9. Autonomic (vegetative) nervous system
9.1. General characteristics of the autonomic
nervous system
9.2. Sympathetic division of the autonomic
nervous system
9.3. Parasympathetic division
of the autonomic nervous system
9.4. Metasympathetic division
of the autonomic nervous system
9.5. Reflexes of the autonomic nervous system
Afferent pathways
9.6. Interaction between divisions
of the autonomic nervous system
9.7. The highest central regulation
of autonomic functions
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 10. Physiology of muscles
10.1. General characteristics of muscles
10.2. Skeletal muscle contraction
and relaxation
Relaxation of myofibrils
10.3. Physiological features of skeletal
Types of muscle contraction
Muscle strength and performance
10.4. Physiological characteristics
of smooth muscles
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Situational tasks
Chapter 11. Regulation of movement
11.1. General characteristics of movement
11.2. Somatosensory system
11.3. Spinal mechanisms of movement
11.4. Brainstem role in movement
11.5. Role of the cerebellum in movement
11.6. Role of basal ganglia in movement
11.7. Role of thalamus in movement
11.8. Cortical regulation of movement
11.9. General scheme of organization
of purposeful movements
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 12. Physical and chemical properties of blood
erythrocytic system
12.1. Physicochemical properties of blood
12.2. Erythrocytic system
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 13. Blood leucocyte system.
Immune response system
13.1. Leucocyte system
Leukocytes of circulating blood
13.2. Physiological system of immune
Profile material
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 14. Coagulation and anticoagulation system.
Blood types
14.1. General characteristics of coagulation
and anticoagulation system
14.2. Factors of coagulation
and anticoagulation system
14.3. Blood coagulation system
14.4. Anticoagulation blood system
14.5. Neurohumoral regulation of blood
coagulation and anticoagulation
14.6. Study of hemostasis
14.7. Human blood types
14.8. Blood transfusion
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 15. Physiological functions of the heart
15.1. General characteristics
of the cardiovascular system
15.2. Automatism of the heart
15.3. Excitability and conduction of excitation
in the heart
15.4. Excitability and excitation of the heart
15.5. Contractility and contraction
of the heart
15.6. Hormonal heart function
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 16. Regulation of cardiac activity
16.1. Myogenic mechanisms of heart
16.2. Intracardiac peripheral reflexes
16.3. Nervous regulation
16.4. Humoral extracardiac regulation
Effect of hormones
16.5. Effect of electrolytes
16.6. Integration of heart regulating
16.7. Myocardial blood supply
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 17. Pump functions of the heart.
Methods of studying the heart
17.1. Cardiac cycle
17.2. Methods of studying the cardiac cycle
17.3. Energy support of the heart
17.4. Cardiac output assessment
17.5. Heart sounds
17.6. Mechanical manifestations of cardiac
17.7. Electrocardiography
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 18. Vascular system and hemodynamics.
Lymphatic system
18.1. Basic laws of hemodynamics
18.2. Functional characteristics
of the vascular bed
18.3. Regulation of vascular tone
18.4. Blood pressure as an indicator
of systemic hemodynamics
18.5. Regulation of systemic hemodynamics
18.6. Studying hemodynamics
Sphygmogram and phlebogram
18.7. Lymphatic system
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Situational tasks
Chapter 19. Regional hemodynamics
19.1. Regulation of regional hemodynamics
19.2. Blood supply to the brain
19.3. Coronary circulation (myocardial blood
19.4. Cutaneous circulation
19.5. Circulation in skeletal muscles
19.6. Celiac circulation
Hepatic circulation
Circulation in the spleen
Circulation in the gastrointestinal tract
19.7. Pulmonary circulation
19.8. Renal circulation
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 20. Physiology and stages of respiration.
20.1. General characteristics of the respiratory
20.2. Respiratory cycle
20.3. Pulmonary and alveolar ventilation
20.4. Methods of assessing external
20.5. Work done while breathing
20.6. Respiratory tract function
20.7. Gas exchange in lungs
20.8. Transport of gases by blood
20.9. Assessment of gas composition of blood
20.10. Gas exchange between blood
and tissues
20.11. Tissue respiration
20.12. Protective respiratory reflexes
20.13. Non-gas exchange pulmonary
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 21. Regulation of respiration
21.1. General characteristics of external
breathing regulation
21.2. Types of pulmonary respiration
(in a healthy person)
21.3. Respiratory center
21.4. Role of brainstem
21.5. Functional system maintaining blood
gas composition, its central and peripheral components
21.6. Breath-holding functional tests
21.7. Features of breathing in different
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Control questions л
Situational tasks
Chapter 22. Acid-base balance
22.1. General characteristics of the acid-base
22.2. Concentration of H+, blood pH
22.3. Fluctuations in the concentration
of hydrogen ions in blood
22.4. Central link of the functional acid-base
balance system
22.5. Physical and chemical mechanisms
of acid-base balance regulation
22.6. Physiological mechanisms of acid-base
balance regulation
22.7. Clinical and physiological parameters
of acid-base balance
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 23. Physiology of hypoxia
23.1. System of blood oxygen transport
23.2. Physiological hypoxia
Classification of hypoxia
23.3. Intensity of function disorders
and body's sensitivity to hypoxia
23.4. Hypoxia stages
23.5. Stages of adaptation
to hypoxia
23.6. Mechanisms of adaptation response
to hypoxia of physiological systems
Molecular and genetic mechanisms
of adaptation to hypoxia
23.7. Factors influencing resistance
to hypoxia
23.8. Causes and mechanisms of different
types of hypoxic states
23.9. Functional-metabolic impairment
in hypoxia
23.10. Principles of elimination
and prevention of hypoxic effects
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 24. Digestive system.
Digestion in the oral cavity. Swallowing
24.1. General characteristic of digestion
24.2. Regulation of digestion
24.3. Digestive functions of digestive system ...
24.4. Non-digestive functions of digestive
24.5. Methods of research of digestion
24.6. Digestion in the oral cavity
24.7. Swallowing
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational task
Chapter 25. Digestion in the stomach
and intestine
25.1. Digestion in the stomach
25.2. Digestion in the small intestine
25.3. Digestion in the colon
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 26. Metabolism of substances and energy.
26.1. Functional nutrition system
26.2. Protein metabolism
26.3. Lipid metabolism
26.4. Carbohydrate metabolism
26.5. Water and mineral metabolism
26.6. Metabolism of vitamins
26.7. Energy balance of the body
26.8. Nutrition. Theories and concepts
of nutrition
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 27. Physiology of excretion
27.1. Physiological excretion system
27.2. General characteristics of uropoiesis
and urinary excretion
27.3. Blood circulation in kidney
27.4. Classification of renal functions
27.5. Glomerular ultrafiltration
27.6. Tubular reabsorption
27.7. Tubular secretion
27.8. Osmotic concentration of urine
27.9. Osmotic dilution of urine
27.10. Amount and composition of final
27.11. Neurohumoral regulation
of uropoiesis
27.12. Urinary excretion and urination
27.13. Nitrogen-releasing function
of kidneys
27.14. Osmoregulation and volume-regulating
functions of kidneys
27.15. Regulation of acid-base balance
27.16. Incretion functions of kidneys
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 28. Thermoregulation
28.1. General characteristics
of thermoregulation
28.2. Heat generation
28.3. Heat transfer
28.4. Functional thermoregulation
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 29. Tactile, nociceptive, gustatory, olfactory,
interoceptive sensory systems
29.1. General physiology of sensory systems
29.2. Tactile sensory system
29.3. Nociceptive sensory system
29.4. Gustatory sensory system
29.5. Olfactory sensory system
29.6. Interoceptive sensory system
Peripheral division
29.7. Thermal sensory system
29.8. Motor sensory system
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 30. Visual sensory system
30.1. General characteristics of the visual
30.2. Dioptric apparatus of the eye
30.3. Receptor apparatus of the visual system
30.4. Conductive division of the visual
30.5. Cortical division of the visual system
30.6. Color perception
30.7. Adaptation of the visual system
30.8. Protective reflexes
30.9. Eye movement
30.10. Visual sensory system study methods ...
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 31. Auditory and vestibular sensory systems
31.1. Auditory sensory system
31.2. Vestibular sensory system
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 32. Higher nervous activity.
Conditioned reflexes. Temperament
32.1. General characteristics of higher nervous activity
32.2. Conditioned reflexes
32.3. Classification of conditioned reflexes
32.4. Stages of conditioned reflex formation
32.5. Mechanisms of conditioned reflex formation
32.6. Inhibition of conditioned reflexes
32.7. Systemic activity of cerebral cortex
32.8. Types of HNA (temperament)
32.9. Phase phenomena in cerebral cortex
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 33. Physiological bases of psychological
33.1. Sensation and perception
33.2. Memory
33.3. Attention
33.4. Physiology of emotions
33.5. Sleep
33.6. Physiology of speech
33.7. Physiological foundations of thinking
33.8. Physiology of conscious
and subconscious
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 34. Physiological bases of human behavior
34.1. General characteristics
34.2. Motivation as the beginning of meeting
34.3. Instincts as hereditary components
of behavior
34.4. Acquired behavioral components
34.5. Functional behavior system
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 35. Reproductive system
35.1. General characteristics
35.2. Prenatal period
35.3. Sexual maturity in men
35.4. Sexual maturity in women
35.5. Sexual motivation
and behavior
35.6. Coitus, its phases and mechanism
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Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 36. Maternal-fetoplacental system
36.1. Physiology of pregnancy
36.2. Functions of the placenta
36.3. Amniotic fluid and its physiological
36.4. Physiological changes in female body
functions in pregnancy
Blood system
36.5. Physiology of childbirth
36.6. Physiology of lactogenesis and lactation ..
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 37. Physiology of adaptation
37.1. General characteristics
37.2. Classification of environmental factors
(N.A. Aghajanyan, 2003)
37.3. Types of adaptation
37.4. Short-term adaptation
37.5. Long-term adaptation
Features of psychogenic stress
37.6. Physiological role
of adaptation
37.7. Biorhythm adaptation
General characteristics of biorhythms
Profile materials
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 38. Physiology of functional load tests.
Oxygen transport system
38.1. Human health as an integral medical issue
38.2. Transitional states
38.3. Concept of constitution and resistance
38.4. Health and physical activity of modern
38.5. Significance of physical education for health
and improvement
38.6. Assessment of respiratory function
38.7. Assessment of cardiovascular
38.8. Additional methods of examining
the cardiovascular system
ECG changes during and after physical activity
38.9. Main functional tests
38.10. Functional testing of external
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 39. Principles of environmental physiology
39.1. Environmental profile
Ethnic physiological differences
39.2. Environmental profile,
its characteristics
Human physiology at high latitudes
Human physiology in hot climate
Morphofunctional features of tropic
Prevention of heat-induced disorders
Human physiology in the mountains
Habitat-dependent state of human
mineral metabolism
Control questions
Situational tasks
Chapter 40. Physiology of labor
40.1. General characteristics
40.2. Physical labor
40.3. Physical training
40.4. Mental labor
40.5. Human performance
40.6. Fatigue
40.7. Rest and recovery
40.8. Features of labor in modern industry
Control questions
Situational tasks
Sample answers to situational tasks



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