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Topographic and clinical anatomy of the human body. The teaching aid for foreign students

Каган Илья Иосифович, Лященко Сергей Николаевич, Мирончев Антон Олегович

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Оригинальное название:
Топографическая и клиническая анатомия тела человека
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Th is teaching aid is the additional source of information on topographical anatomy of regions of the human body and clinical anatomy of inner organs to the main textbook. Its English version is intended for students who take a training course in foreign faculty of the university.
The teaching aid is illustrated by pictures, which are located on opening pages. On each such opening page, to the right on the odd page, there is the description of region or organ, and to the left on the even page, there is its location according to the anatomic region or organ picture. Such disposition makes the presentation of educational material more visual and makes the learning process easier.
код в Майшоп
количество томов
количество страниц
256 стр.
247x171x14 мм
70x100/16 (170x240) мм
тип бумаги
Твёрдый переплёт


1.1. Basic concepts and terms of clinical anatomy
1.2. Bases of doctrine about anatomic variability
1.2.1. Notion about anatomic variability
1.2.2. Essential provisions about anatomic variability of
1.2.3. Clinical value of anatomic variability of a man
1.3. Bases of doctrine about fasciae
1.3.1. The structure and embryogenesis of fasciae
1.3.2. Classification of fasciae and fascial receptacles
1.3.3. Functions and clinical value of fasciae
Chapter 2. UPPER LIMB. I.I. Kagan
2.1. Topographical anatomy of regions
2.1.1. Deltoid region
2.1.2. Axillary region
2.1.3. Brachial region
2.1.4. Anterior region of the elbow
2.1.5. Antebrachial region
2.1.6. Hand region
2.2. Clinical anatomy of joints
2.2.1. Shoulder joint
2.2.2. Elbow joint
2.2.3. Wrist joint
Chapter 3. LOWER LIMB. S.N. Lyaschenko
3.1. Topographical anatomy of regions
3.1.1. Gluteal region
3.1.2. Femoral region
3.1.3. Knee region
3.1.4. Leg region
3.1.5. Foot region
3.2. Clinical anatomy of joints
3.2.1. Hip joint
3.2.2. Knee joint
Chapter 4. HEAD. I.I. Kagan
4.1. Topographical anatomy of cerebral part of head
4.1.1. Fronto-parieto-occipital region
4.1.2. Temporal region
4.1.3. Mastoid region
4.1.4. Internal surface of cranial base
4.2. Topographical anatomy of facial part of head
4.2.1. Orbital region
4.2.2. Nasal region
4.2.3. Zygomatic region
4.2.4. Infraorbital region
4.2.5. Buccal region
4.2.6. Parotid region
4.2.7. Deep region of lateral part of face
4.2.8. Oral region
4.2.9. Mental region
4.3. Clinical anatomy of brain
4.3.1. Meninges
4.3.2. Blood supply of the brain and venous outflow
4.3.3. Craniocerebral projective topography
4.4. Clinical anatomy of pharynx
Chapter 5. NECK. I.I. Kagan
5.1. Topographical anatomy of neck regions
5.1.1. Fasciae and cellulous spaces
5.1.2. Anterior cervical region
5.1.3. Sternocleidomastoid region
5.1.4. Lateral cervical region
5.2. Clinical anatomy of neck organs
5.2.1. Thyroid gland
5.2.2. Larynx and cervical part of trachea
Chapter 6. THORAX. I.I. Kagan
6.1. Topographical anatomy of regions
6.1.1. Presternal region
6.1.2. Mammary region
6.1.3. Topography of intercostal interval
6.2. Clinical anatomy of brest
6.3. Clinical anatomy of lungs
6.3.1. External structure
6.3.2. Topography
6.3.3. Anatomic structure
6.4. Topographical anatomy of mediastinum
6.4.1. Anterior mediastinum
6.4.2. Posterior mediastinum
6.5. Clinical anatomy of heart
Chapter 7. ABDOMEN. S.N. Liashchenko
7.1. Topographic anatomy of anterolateral abdominal
7.1.1. Topographic anatomy of lateral region
7.1.2. Topographic anatomy of umbilical region
7.1.3. Topographical anatomy of inguinal region
7.2. Topographical anatomy of abdominal cavity
7.2.1. Upper floor of abdominal cavity
7.2.2. Lower floor of the abdominal cavity
7.3. Clinical anatomy of stomach
7.4. Clinical anatomy of liver
7.5. Clinical anatomy of extrahepatic bile ducts
7.6. Clinical anatomy of pancreas
7.7. Clinical anatomy of duodenum
7.8. Clinical anatomy of jejunum and ileum
7.9. Clinical anatomy of caecum and appendix
7.10. Clinical anatomy of colon
7.11. Topographic anatomy of retroperitoneal space
7.12. Clinical anatomy of kidney and ureter
Chapter 8. PELVIS. A.O. Mironchev
8.1. Topographical anatomy of pelvis
8.1.1. Bone pelvis
8.1.2. Ligaments and muscles of pelvis
8.1.3. Floors of pelvis
8.2. Topography of male pelvis
8.3. Topography of female pelvis
8.4. Clinical anatomy of urinary bladder
8.5. Clinical anatomy of uterus, uterine tubes and
8.6. Clinical anatomy of rectum
8.7. Topographical anatomy of perineal region
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